Having Foot Pain When You Get Out of Bed in the Morning? It May Be Plantar Fasciitis!
Some say it’s like a foot pain that rivals a broken bone. It could make you ask yourself, “why do my feet hurt when I wake up and walk?” The answer might be that you have developed a case of plantar fasciitis.
The bad news is that you may likely have sharp or sudden pain until you treat the issue. The good news is your heel and foot pain has several treatment options.

Plantar fasciitis most often occurs because of injuries that have happened over time. It rears its head in the morning after periods when the ligament has tightened due to inactivity.
The plantar fascia is a ligament connecting your toes and heel bone. When everything is functioning correctly, it is a bowstring that both absorbs shock and supports your foot arch.
As with everything in your body, if you do not take care of this shock-absorbing bowstring, it can eventually cause issues. Intense athletic activity can produce symptoms such as the following:
- Pain and strain
- Arch pain
- Sore feet
- Severe pain when you walk
- Achilles tendinitis
- Achilles tendonitis
- Sore calf muscles
- Ankle joint pain
- General foot tiredness
How Plantar Fasciitis Pain Starts
What happens is that excess pressure on your foot can cause tiny ligament tears or strain of the entire thick ligament. Contributing factors to plantar fascia soreness are the following:
- Overuse
- Flat feet
- Stress fractures
- A previously strained or injured Achilles tendon
- Ignoring symptoms of trouble
Most people with plantar fasciitis experience pain in the morning when they take their first steps after getting out of bed, after sitting for a long time, after long periods of extra stress on the foot, or when they are not wearing proper footwear.
The sharp pain in the foot and heel area will eventually subside, but heel pain can continue off and on throughout the day. It may continue like that until you implement a treatment plan.
Some Factors That Increase Your Risk of Developing This Disorder Include:
- Your age. Individuals between 40 and 60 years witness an increased risk of developing foot issues and waking up with morning pain in their feet.
- Foot mechanics. Flat feet, high arches, and even abnormal walking habits can contribute to the condition because each of those can impact weight distribution and stress your heel and foot.
- Exercise. Exercises that stress your foot, particularly your heel — like biking, running, dancing, and intense training can also be a cause.
- Excess weight. When someone is obese, more weight is placed on your feet and strains the plantar fascia. Extra weight can also cause a stress fracture, increasing the foot pain you feel.
- Working on your feet all day. Nurses, construction workers, waiters, and other types of professions that require hours of walking and standing can hurt their feet. Making sure to shift from one foot to another routinely can help delay contracting the condition.
- Pregnancy. Pregnant women often experience bouts of plantar fasciitis, particularly during late pregnancy, because of the pressure pregnancy puts on one’s feet. Therefore, when pregnant women experience foot pain, it is critical that they rest their feet to ease sore feet and prevent overuse pain.
Ignoring symptoms may cause heel pain to disrupt your normal daily routine. Changing how you walk to minimize discomfort might also create an overuse injury or injuries in your foot, knee, hip, or back.
As a result, you could develop a chronic case of sore feet that may only disappear when you reduce inflammation and rest the impacted foot.
So what can be done to relieve the pain?
What You Can Do at Home for Plantar Fasciitis
- Painkillers like naproxen (AleveⓇ) and ibuprofen (MotrinⓇ, AdvilⓇ) reduce inflammation and foot pain. Pain relievers should only be used according to the directions or your physician’s instructions.
- Give your feet a rest. Cut back on activities like long-distance running, standing on hard surfaces, and ballet dancing that cause discomfort in your feet, ankles, or tendons. As soon as you are hurt, modify your schedule as much as possible, take up stretching and protect your body from further injury. This is particularly true if you are flat-footed.
- Get new athletic shoes or high-quality insoles with good arch support and a cushioned sole. Make sure your shoes fit your feet perfectly. Do not settle or buy something just because it is on sale. You may need to have a shoe fitted for that foot as well.
- Stretch your toes and calves with a towel each morning and evening, plus several times a day. Stretching protects your feet and can help you avoid having to consult a sports medicine specialist or get emergency medical attention.
- One recommendation most foot professionals may give you to alleviate discomfort is to roll your foot over a tennis ball, applying gentle pressure for 5 minutes at a time, three times a day. Your first set should be in the morning, and your last should be right before you go to bed.
- Apply ice. Ice the area of pain in your foot for 15 to 20 minutes three or four times a day, starting in the morning or after you engage in strenuous activity to reduce inflammation.
- Try an ice massage. Freeze a plastic bottle full of water and roll your foot over it for five to seven minutes. A regular morning ice massage and one before bed at night can help reduce pain and inflammation.
When To Seek Professional Help
If your pain doesn’t decrease within a few weeks with home remedies and you’re worried that you’re developing plantar fasciitis, contact Paspa Physical Therapy located in Manhattan, NY for a consultation.
The therapists will likely perform a detailed evaluation and implement a treatment program, including manual techniques, education, stretching, and strengthening exercises.
They will work with you throughout your treatment plan and make sure you are making progress. They can also modify your program if they determine that you need it.
Every day you delay is one more day of pain when you could get started healing and strengthening your foot. While it may take time and commitment to recover, the right therapy can speed recovery and help prevent reinjury.