Your First Visit
Prior to your first appointment, please be sure you:
- Have filled out the New Patient Form.
- Have your insurance card. Please bring it with you to your first appointment.
- Have a list of medications (prescribed and OTC), including dosages. Please bring it with you to your first appointment
- Have your physician prescription. New York State laws allow physical therapists to treat a patient for 10 sessions without a prescription. Please call us at 212-967-5337 if you do not have a prescription. We will be happy to guide you on this matter.
- Arrive 10 minutes early to fill out any paperwork (some paperwork is not on the website due to HIPAA regulations).
- Bring a change of clothes, preferably workout-type clothes. This will allow your therapist to easily evaluate the body part that needs therapy. We can provide shorts and T-shirts, if needed.
On your first visit to Paspa Physical Therapy your therapist will get a complete history of your problem or injury – past medical history, medications, occupation, aggravating factors, sports/activities and your goals.
After getting the necessary details he/she will perform a thorough evaluation.
Paspa’s therapists will not only look at the body part that needs therapy, but do a “total body evaluation”.

This is because other factors, for example, muscle imbalances elsewhere in the body may be contributing to the problem. We will instruct you on your treatment plan moving forward and a home program to augment what is being done at the clinic and to reduce the risk of re-injury.
At Paspa PT we pride ourselves in providing individualized treatment plans. We encourage patients to ask questions and educate themselves on how they can better manage their diagnosis and speed their recovery.
Our goal is to not only perform the most efficient and precise treatment techniques but also to guide you toward your road to recovery, and to make making it a smooth and lasting one.